ARRI 開放日+派對 ARRI 已搬遷至香港九龍灣,期望為業界帶來更完備的服務。 誠邀你蒞臨 ARRI 開放日派對:下午的開放日為你分享最新攝影機、 工作流程、 鏡頭、專業配件、燈光產品及技術。黃昏時份,請與我們一起在空中花園的ARRI啤酒園,享用德國美食及暢飲慶祝! 期待你的
Mastering Cinematic Video Production with Den Lennie Camera choices having been overwhelming in the market, which tools are the best to create the best results for you and your work? Den Lennie, Director of Photographer, will be sharing his experience and works with PMW-F5/F55, NEX-FS700R and the even the latest PXW-X180 and how these camera can inspire your creativity. About Den LennieDen Lennie’s career in the film industry spans over...